At the time when any given stratum was being formed ,all the matter resting upon it was fluid ,and therefore ,at the time when the lowest stratum was being formed none of upper strata existed . Artinya : Ketika perlapisan telah terbentuk ,semua material dalam kondisi cair ,oleh karena itu ,ketika lapisan yang paling bawah telah terbentuk tidak ada lagi lapisan yang ada diatas. As regards form ,it is certain that at the time when any given stratum was being produced ,its lower surface ,as also its lateral surfaces ,correspond to the surfaces of the lower substance and lateral substances,but that the upper surface was parallel to the horizon so far as possible and that all strata ,therefore ,except the lowest were bounded by two planes parallel to the horizon .Hence it follows that strata either perpendicular to the horizon or inclined toward it were at one time parallel to the horizon . Artinya : Sebagai bentuk anggapan perlapisan tentunya bahwa pada waktu beberapa perlapisan telah dihasilkan ,lapisan bawah permukaan ,juga sebagai lapisan permukaan yang datar At the time when any given stratum was being formed it was either encompassed on its sides by another solid substance,or it covered the entire spherical surface to the earth .Hence it follow thai in whatever place the bared sides of the strata are seen ,either a continuation of the same strata must be sought or another solid substance must be found which kept the matter of strata. Artinya : pada waktu beberapa perlapisan telah terbentuk , lapisan tersebut tertindih di bagian atasnya oleh material padat lain,atau lapisan tersebut di tuutupi permukaannya. In examining thing present ,we have data from which to reason with regard to that which is to happen here after .Therefore ,upon superposition that the operation of nature are equable and steady ,we find in natural appearance s means for concluding a certain portion of time to have necessarily elapsed in the production of these efents of which we see the effects. Artinya : Pada penjelasan dimasa sekarang ,kita mempunyai data dari sebuah alasan dengan beranggapan bahwa hal tersebut pernah terjadi sebelumnya.,oleh karena itu
1. Hukum Superposisi by STENO,1669
Senin, 04 Mei 2009
Hukum Stratigrafi
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